Estimate Pricing

Prices for Common Sizes, other sizes available, just ask!

9 tee-shirts wall hanging $180
12 tee-shirts lap throw $240
16 tee-shirts lap throw $320
20 tee-shirts lap throw $400
24 tee-shirts twin $480
30 tee-shirts double $600
36 tee-shirts quilt queen $720

Prices subject to change – ask about other sizes

Additional Pricing Info:
$50 for pre-cut tee-shirts
$50 for a rush quilt (less than 4 weeks notice-  this includes shirts submitted after Thanksgiving and needed for Christmas.

Sales Tax:
Iowa residents add 7% sales tax

Shipping Costs:
$17 for under 12 block tee-shirt quilt
$23 for 13 to 29 blocks

$27 for over 30 blocks